Friday, September 02, 2005
Some cool links...

Post Secrets - site where people send in their secrets on a postcard. Sad, funny and riveting reading.

Newseum - the front pages of the major daily newspapers from all over the world.

Visible Earth - images of the earth from space.

Your Amazing Brain - funnily enough, a site about your amazing brain.

Google Earth - fly from space to your neighbourhood.

Paperdoll Heaven - dress ups for those of us not so grown up.

What The? - clippings sent in by the public to one of my favourite tv shows.

Tart at 12:34 PM |


At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Mothering Magazine says Cartoon Network's Tickle U isn't funny
In a previous post on Blogging Baby, Stefania reported the new group of shows launched by Cartoon Network to promote a sense of humor in children.
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