Monday, August 29, 2005
I have to ask that question, after having this conversation over the phone with my sister a few minutes ago.

Mini-Tart: 'Can I borrow your white and black Dior shoes for ___'s party in October?"
Tart: "What? What party?"
Mini-Tart: "___'s big 40th. It's at the Hilton in Auckland. Big do"
Tart: "I haven't heard anything about it"
Mini-Tart: "Didn't you get an invite?"
Tart: "No!"
Mini-Tart: "You sure? Everyone here got one, even B___ "
Tart: "No way! This sucks! I can't believe I didn't get an invite. Are you sure it's all the family that's been invited?"
Mini-Tart: "Yep, everyone's going to Auckland for it, we've practically booked out the Hilton"
Tart: "Maybe my invite got lost in the mail..."
Mini-Tart: "Yeah, maybe...hahahahahahahahahaha"

It does indeed suck. This is a close relative, a cousin that I grew up with. I can't believe I'm not invited. My 11 month old nephew is invited and he's hardly party guest material, I mean, he can't do small talk. Though he does like the bottle *wink*.

Excuse me while I go pout in the corner of my office

Tart at 10:49 AM |