Tuesday, June 21, 2005
My sister and I usually agree on most things.

Johnny Depp = hot

Vege Curry Laksa = yummo

Capri pants = major fashion hate

But, we have one topic where, no matter how hard I try (and I have tried), she won't agree with me.

Male circumcision. Normally, it wouldn't come up in any of our normal conversations, but she recently had a baby boy and mentioned that he was going to be circumcised very soon.

I was shocked actually. I find it barbaric and unncessary. Sorry but that is totally fucking wrong. You are cutting off a part of his penis. To me, male circumcision is just as cruel as female circumcision. I said to her, would you let the doctor cut your clitoris off? When I asked her why she and her partner decided to get him butchered...sorry, circumcised, she said it was because she wanted *** to look like his Dad. WTF? You are doing this for aesthetics? Then came another reason "it's easier for him to clean". You can't teach your kid how to clean his uncircumcised penis? Really?

My pleading, begging and constant article linking and research information emails were to no avail. My nephew was circumcised. Poor wee bugger.

Tart at 3:28 PM |