Sunday, July 17, 2005
There are some things that I don't know why or how I came to dislike so immensely. Well, not so much dislike, more fear. These things just plain creep me out!

  1. Polystyrene. I hate this stuff, it's texture and consistency makes my skin crawl.
  2. Whistling. Just plain creepy. Once had to ask a bus driver on my morning commute to stop whistling as I thought I was going to be sick.
  3. Mushrooms. Euw, euw, euw!
  4. Long fingernails on men. It's just wrong.
  5. Moths. Bloody awful things with wings that just won't stop dive bombing my head. Bastards!
  6. Feathers. I inherited this dislike of feathers from my father, we both can't figure it out and subsequently, we both loathe birds.
  7. Blue vein cheese. Smells like urine and stinks like manky shoes. Hardly a pleasant taste.

There are a few more, but these are the one I can remember off the top of my head.

Tart at 10:33 PM |


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I agree. Long fingernails on men. Wrong, wrong, wrong. And moths.. they're pest! But mushrooms, now those i like. What about pineapple and its smell? Raisins? Chalk? Worms? Animals with teeth? Shudder.. Well i know you love dogs. They can eat birds afterall. :P