Friday, September 23, 2005
I woke up this morning mute.

It's true and it's freaking me out.

I can make a few garbled words, but apart from that, I cannot speak at all. The boyfriend thinks this is hilarious, and spent most of this morning making snarky comments knowing that I couldn't talk back! If only I knew sign language for "Fuck you" or "Piss off". Oh wait, I do. The middle finger!

Obviously the muteness is a symptom of something (hope I'm not being punished for bitching and snarking about an old flatmate!) like a cold or flu that is obviously going to appear right in time for the weekend.


Tart at 10:15 AM |


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I think this is Lanie from SEP BB, right? I am a mostly lurker there, who was reading your blog. Now I'm jumping in where I probably should not be, but speech difficulty can be a sign of serious problems. You need to be checked out immediately. Worse case scenario, if it is a stroke, early treatment can prevent any lasting effects. Sorry for intruding, but I'm a nurse practitioner and I'ld rather be embarrassed here than have you suffer unecessary harm. If I'm out of line, again apologies, but I LOVED your rant re sisters.