Tuesday, June 21, 2005
A friend put me onto Susan Miller and I find her astrological readings quite accurate for me, however, this paragraph for my June horoscope, certainly made me sit up and take notice (and to double, triple check my pill LOL).

It's also possible that the topic of a pregnancy or baby may come up with the person you are dating, living with, or married to, but you may feel pushed to accept a point of view you don't feel comfortable taking. Of course, you'll resist, but how things play out depends on so many factors that you will have to wait and see. If you are a parent of a teenage child, the problem may occur instead with your present child who won't likely agree with something you say or decide. In any of these cases, try not to lock horns, because that would be unproductive - find a different way, through a side door, to untangle the problem.

Tart at 10:41 PM |