Thursday, May 11, 2006
I went out last night with a friend (went to see Match Point, pretty average film) and during the course of our dinner, I made mention of something, to which my friend replied "I never knew that about you!". Thus inspring today's post.

10 things you might not know about me.

  1. I had sex on the bonnet of a car outside the venue for my surprise 17th birthday party. I know, talk about classy!
  2. I ran away from home for 10 days when I was 15. Big, fun adventure in the city. It was a blast.
  3. I detest mushrooms.
  4. I went to drama school for two years.
  5. I'd love to work on a fashion or lifestyle magazine, mainly because I covet all the freebies.
  6. I hate cats.
  7. I named my 9 year old niece.
  8. I don't collect anything (clothing, shoes and bags don't count).
  9. I am extremely fussy and particular.
  10. I've had 3 marriage proposals.

Tart at 11:30 AM |


At 5:08 PM, Blogger Jo said........
Tart.... we could almost pass for complete opposites..... almost.... I have had sex on my car (don't know what the bonnet of it is though) it was after i was 18 and in a corn field. I never ran away from home for more than 1 hour. I love mushrooms. I can't act to save my life. I would hate to work at a magazine (too much writing) so you can give me some freebies too. I love cats. I come up with the craziest names no one would ever use (besides dont have a niece. I collect EVERYTHING! (including dust). I just don't care when it comes to fussy. I have had no marriage proposals... I feel so insignificant now....

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
tart, we have more things alike than I thought.
I also hate cats,(they get in the way, want food, always want to jump onto things like beds and couches, make that purring noise, dribble, urghh Dogs on the otherhand I absolutely love.) I went to drama school when I was younger. Plays I was in- The Pipe Piper, Treasure island (I wore sailor outfit and carried a fake gun. what a geek I should have been a pirate.), King Aurther's court where we sung to Pink Floyd song that goes "We don't need to education we don't need no force control". I suck at singing actually. Whenever i try to sing a song no one ever knows what song it is I am trying to sing.
So 3 Marriage Proposals WOW Tell us more.
I've had no marriage proposals and just recently turned thirty. Most of my friends are married or married and have or are having children. I am still single. 'oh well more room in the bed and you don't have to be woken by snoring'.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Oh, please you can't say you've had 3 marriage proposals and not elaborate. LOL. Details Tart!
Is current BF one of these courters?

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Tart said........
KC - LOL you're not insignificant :D Just think of all the fun and wild things you have yet to do. A bonnet is the hood of a car (you know, the cover over the engine of a car LOL).

Jafa - I was the genie in my standard 3 play of Aladdin and that is probably the highest of my acting roles. Seriously. It took me 2 years of drama school to realise I was a shitty actor (and a dumb one, 2 years, any normal person would've worked in out in 2 minutes LOL).

Ann - 3 marriage proposals probably should only be two, seeing as one of them came from a 4 year old boy LOL. The others were previous boyfriends (one I was with for 5/6 years and broke up because he asked me to marry him LOL). Current BF isn't one of the askee's LOL. He knows my position on marriage (no way jose). :P