Thursday, May 04, 2006
I went to the library today (took a detour on the way to work).

This is a library that services nearly 500,000 people and overall is a pretty good one. Excellent non-fiction section and their CD/DVD collection is brilliant.

However, I noticed something odd in the chick lit paperback section (which isn't very extensive).

The books were shelved according to colour. Yep. That's right. Colour!

WTF? Every other section is shelved alphabetically.

I tell you, it's bloody difficult looking at rows of books that are all the same colour, they tend to blend together making it tricky to read titles etc.

It's like they decided that they'd put all the pink coloured books together because you know, chick lit readers go for colour first when decided on which book to choose!

I think I'll make a complaint.

Tart at 10:27 AM |


At 2:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
LOL, that's hilarious but also a bit insulting. I would definitely complain. Err, there are some good books in that category!

Also, Tart 7ou've created a monster. I had the one pair of Havaiana's (sp?) then I LOVED them so much I got 2 more pair. Actually, I had my mom run out and find them since I can only get them at one store here and she was headed that way. They are the best. I just went on a long weekend getaway to Vegas and wore them the whole time at the pool and have possibly got my friend hooked to as she kept borrowing mine to walk around. So thanks! Although, I really didn't need yet another shoe obsession. LOL.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Tart said........
hee hee... I told you! Aren't they the bees knees? :P

At 4:06 AM, Blogger maggie moran said........
Is it shelved in a rainbow arrangement? Roy G. Biv?


At 2:24 PM, Blogger Tart said........
Library Lady - LOL, no it wasn't shelved in a rainbow arrangement. It started with white/cream, then into green, turquoise, blue then pink. There are a lot of pink chick lit books :D