Monday, March 06, 2006
Yay. It's the 2006 Academy Awards. And time for me to bitch about what people are wearing.

I'll not bother commenting on the men, because really, who cares?

First up, we have Big Bird. Oops. Sorry, Michelle Williams. This dress is really awful. The colour is wrong and that knot-twist thing makes it look like she has a little hard on.

Ah, the quirky and eccentric English Rose, Helena Bonham Carter. Let us count the fashion faux pas. Fashion Faux Pas #1. White shoes. White clunky shoes. Fashion Faux Pas #2. Big hair. Big bouffant-y 60s hair. Fashion Faux Pas #3. A dress that looks like a prom dress circa 1988.

Nicole Kidman's latest project is turning herself into Casper, the Friendly Ghost. She looks pale and not interesting. I never knew it was possible for a human being to be that white. The dress itself isn't that bad, but on Nicole it looks terrible.

Dear Naomi. It has come to my attention that you are suffering from a rare and debilitating disease - The Kidman Syndrome. This syndrome occurs when you try and match your outfit to your skin and hair colour. We fear that if you go untreated, it may cause long term side effects. Please seek medical attention. Yours, Tart.

Charlize! Watch out. That huge bow on your shoulder is about to eat your face. Oh, but I see you come armed with laquered bouffy hair. That should temporarily appease the bow.

From the waist up, I really like this dress on Jennifer Lopez. But from the waist down? Ugh. It just makes her tummy and hips look huge. Not a good look.

[Images: Reuters, Wire Image,]

Tart at 4:22 PM |


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Swinners Music said........
What a wondeful blog.
Stylish, attractive and informative.