Friday, April 21, 2006
Yesterday I mentioned that when I was a kid I was chubby. And dorky.

Well, I tried to find some pictures of me as a kid. I could only find pictures taken when I was at primary school, and only class pictures. So I've had to blur the faces of all the other kids.

Chubby, cute and wearing corduroy! I present. Me! (Click on the pictures for a larger version).

Age 5. New Entrants class. I'm obviously shy - notice I'm not looking at the camera. Also notice the cute little blue corduroy dress and skivvy and, matching hair ribbons! Oh. Too cute. The BF also noticed that I still hold my hands like that now.

Age 5/6 - Second year of school. The Brown corduroy dress and skivvy combination pops up again...I'm sensing a pattern here.

Couldn't find any more (well, I could but I am so NOT posting them).

Ann - now who's the chubbiest, huh?

Tart at 10:37 AM |


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Jo said........
you were cute.... i was a chubber too.... wait... what am i talking about.... was.. haha i'm 19 now and still am a chubber!

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Tart, you are so freaking cute as a kid. And, no you don't win the chubs contest. LMAO. I have to find pic of me and get it to you. You're like the height of fassion compared to me too! Oh this will be fun. It will take a few days, as I have no idea where to find pic of self as young, uncool, awkward chub. LOL

thanks for the pics (although, blurred heads are a little creepy. LOL)

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Thanks KC & Ann - I do think I was cute too LOL. Those chubby cheeks! (Nothing's changed LOL). And is it any wonder I have an complete hatred of skivvy's now? (Skivvy's are turtleneck/rollneck tops). I think that's all my mother dressed me in.

Yeesh, those blurred heads are weird. I don't have the most sofisticated touch with the old smudge function in Paint LOL. It was funny looking at the photos again, as I was scanning them, I noticed that either the teacher (or probably my mum) had written the names of each kid on the back. I wonder where they all are now?

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
err...that should be sophisticated. Is it beer o'clock yet? LOL

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Haha I also grew up in New Zealand.
I also had a one of those curduroy pinup with two buttons dresses in my new entrant photo's. Mine is red and I have a brown jumper underneath. Thats not all, I also had brown, red and yellow socks pulled up high with red leather shoes. Maybe our mums must have thought alike in those days.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Jo said........
i'm ganna find a picture of when i was really young.... blonde hair and adorable faceand skinny as hell... i mean i lived on a farm lots of activity chasing cats and rabbits and what not.... then i am ganna get a picture of me a bit older and show the chubby me.... then i will maybe... MAYBE post a now picture to show hey i'm still a chub... haha or maybe i'll just dig out my senior high school pictures.... they are only a year old after all..... i feel so... so... underage.....
p.s.... my clothes were ok because they were only late 80s early 90s... so HA

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Serendipity said........
I would have been happier if I was chubier. Think "stick: as in bony. That's me. All bones and skins until I got pregnant at age 25.

In Philippines, only chubby kids are pretty.