Friday, May 12, 2006
It is a crappy day here in Wellington. Pouring with rain and cold.

I'm freezing in my office (no heating due to air conditioning not working). If I didn't have such an important meeting today, I'd be at home, in the warmth watching
Good Morning and perving at Brendon Pongia.

I guess the good thing is that it is Friday.

Edited: The heating is on (finally, it's 3.39pm). I was getting worried, my nipples were at a constant alert, I was afraid I'd poke someones eye out.

Tart at 10:16 AM |


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Speaka said........ sucks outside...and I hear its only gonna get worse. Gale force winds!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Jo said........
your day went better than mine tart.... i couldn't sleep all night... then i finally fall asleep at 7 am... sleep through my final... then have to call and beg for make-up.... then I go to work at an ambulance garage 30 miles from my apartment.... i'm only supposed to work for 9 hours.... which turns into 13.5 hours spent inside a room with a desk, an army cot, a heater, and a tv... you can only watch so much tv before you go insane.... PLUS i twisted my ankle on a rock and sprained it and scraped up my knees and hands because i am a complete klutz... is the week over yet??? its finally 1:15 am and i have a final that i haven't studied for in 7 hours.... i have one hour of sleep the past 2 nights.... im ganna try to sleep 4 hours... then get up and study my ass off for human physiology.... shit let me die please....