Tuesday, September 04, 2007
There's always a show off, a dickhead, a try hard, in the group fitness class I go to on a Tuesday night. Tonight, it was this short guy, who when we were doing press ups, decided he'd do them from the window ledge. So there we all are, hands and feet on the floor, and this guy decides he'll put his feet up on the ledge, so his lower body is at an angle. Why? It's not like he worked out harder than the rest of us, because he only did 2 press ups while the rest of did about 20 LOL.

The BF has gone! Left last Friday. Yippee for me! First thing I did was clean out our bedroom and the wardrobe. Tried to get rid of all the flotsam and jetsam that we've collected. I chucked out shoes (ones that had some wear left in them I gave to the Sallies), binned clothes and moved surfboards. I finally have a bedroom again. It's a sad indictment that I get really happy and excited about a clean and organised bedroom LOL.

Tart at 9:11 PM |


At 3:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I get all excited about clean bedroom too. My perfect moment are when kids are happily playing quietly, and everything in my house are in order.

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Sanna said........
I really know what you're talking about. I love to have my place neat and clean and when everything's in order. My bedroom is no exception.

Enjoy your time all alone. You
should wear one of his old shirts, eat ice-cream, drink red wine and sing into your hairbrush songs like 'I will survive'. Ya know, things that are too embarassing when he's around. LOL

