Monday, June 01, 2009
to buying:

Youthful Essence
Sheer Cover
Malibu Pilates Chair
Barefoot Orthotics

So many bloody infomercials. And they are so convincing. I'm pretty sure I need Sheer Cover. I mean, if Alyssa Milano says it's changed her life, then maybe I should give it a try. 

The arctic weather has meant that I've spent some of this Queens Birthday weekend watching TV. It's all shit though, nothing decent really screens over the weekend. It doesn't help that I only get good reception for 4 channels. Though I am not getting SkyTV installed, I don't need 100 more channels screening crap.

I haven't spent all weekend watching TV, I have ventured into the kitchen to make cupcakes, soups (Thai Pumpkin and Minestrone), bread and white bean pate. I've read two books and done some housework. I had lunch with a friend on Saturday, drank lots of lovely red wine. Lovely wine. Mmmmm. Wine. Oohhh, I think I've got a bottle of white in my fridge. I'll be right back.

Tart at 1:30 PM |