Friday, November 18, 2005
Yesterday, in under 23 minutes, I spent $549 on three pairs of shoes. I admit they were impulse buys, but they are just so darling - one pair of red wedge espadrilles, one pair of peacock green ballet flats and one pair of bronze jandals (flip flops) with bronze sequins and gems on the straps.

I get home last night, bags in tow, and head straight to my bedroom and the wardrobe to put away my purchases. As I'm ferretting around in the wardrobe, trying to re-arrange it so the shoe boxes fit (yes, I am one of those people who keeps their shoes in their original box, with a card attached to the front which I write on describing the shoe...christ, I'm so bloddy anal! LOL).

Anyway, I'm ferretting around in the wardrobe and I spot two unfamiliar boxes, with no cards on them. I whip out the boxes and lo and behold, in it are a pair of brand new, never worn Marc Jabobs wedge espadrilles (bought from Net-a-Porter as soon as they started delivering to New Zealand) and a pair of Chloe wood and leather slingback heels, almost identical to a pair I bought just recently.

Oh man. I have shoe-amnesia! I completely forgot that I had purchased these shoes (which is crazy, considering they cost me more than a small car!)

So now I have two pairs of identical shoes. I rang my sister to see if by some pure chance, her feet had shrunk two sizes, and did she want these shoes? She was wondering why I had bought more shoes, because "don't you have enough shoes anyway? You're like a bloody we need to stage an intervention?"

I cannot believe we are related. Enough shoes? Intervention? Though why I'm surprised with her I'm not sure, she only owns 4 pairs. Her two daughters have more shoes that she does LOL.

I've figured out what to do with the surplus shoes (surely an oxymoron, surplus shoes?) I'm going to list them on Trade Me (NZ version of eBay). I may as well try and get some of my money back.

Tart at 3:23 PM |