Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Yesterday, I wagged* work with the bf. He's been a bit cranky lately, so we thought we'd go to the beach for the day, to spend some time together, chill out and hopefully, get the bf feeling uncranky.

We packed the car (him: surfboard x 2, bodyboard, fins, snorkle, mask, wetsuit, rash top, boardies x 2, sunglasses, cap, clothes; me: sunblock, sunhat, food, water, book. And they say women can't pack light!) and were out of the city heading up the coast.

The day was scorchio and there were a few people on the beach (it's still school holidays). It was a really good day. We had a lot of fun. I am still a crap surfer. I swear, I am going to stand up if it kills me (or more likely, breaks my nose).

My favourite part of the day though, was watching the bf surf from the beach. I wish I had a camera to capture him walking out of the water, barechested, low slung boardies and his surfboard under his arm. I kinda forget that he is quite the hunk LOL. I stared at him as he walked towards me. I'm sure my mouth was open the entire time too.

Because I have a lovely mental picture now (mmmmm), I thought I wouldn't deprive some of you so, without further ado, please welcome the...

Hunks in Trunks

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David Beckham

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Matthew McConnaughey

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Ryan Philippe
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Stephen Dorff

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LL Cool J

No need to thank me LOL

*wagged = kiwi slang for being a truant.

Tart at 12:18 AM |