Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Whenever I'm feeling nervous, anxious or bored. I like to tidy and clean my house (I know. I'm weird).

Last night for some reason I felt it was imperative that I clean out my wardrobes (yes, that's plural LOL). It's a good time of year to do this, as I can put away my summer clothes (farewell summer, you didn't stay as long as I thought you would have. I'll miss you. See you in December!), find the autumn/winter stuff, and all the other crap I'd forgotten about.

I made three piles - to keep, to re-sell and to throw away. I was ruthless. My to keep pile was woefully small, the re-sell pile was chokka and the throw away pile looked like Trinny & Susannah had visited.

The last time I took a pile of clothes to the recycled clothing boutique, I made something like $1500! This time, I'm hoping to match it. They should do well out of me. I'm even selling stuff that I adore, but have only worn once (if at all, one Marc Jacobs denim bomber jacket that while very very cool, is just a bit too "young" for me and also makes me look like the Michelin Man LOL).

It took me all night (I almost missed Grey's Anatomy) and now my wardrobes look fantastic. I even organised clothing into "groups" and then by colour. I feel ever so pleased with myself (and a little embarrassed over my anal retentiveness).

The best thing about cleaning out the wardrobe is now I have a bit more room for shoes and bags. I feel a shopping spree coming on.

Tart at 12:24 PM |