Tuesday, April 18, 2006
5 Things I didn't do in Rarotonga

1. Read 4 books.

2. Get a lot of sleep. I never sleep well when the BF's in the bed (I often kick him out after we've had sex LOL). But in 28 degree weather as well, it's like lying next to a furnace.

3. Drink wine or vodka or beer.

4. Get annoyed with the BF.

5. Get a suntan. The weather wasn't the most condusive for tanning - warm and humid with storms (lightening and thunder on our last night).

5 Things I did do in Rarotonga

1. Read 1 book and 2 magazines.

2. Hired a scooter and drove around the island for a day, on my own.

3. The boyfriend.

4. Drank 43 litres of water whilst trying to snorkel.

5. Entertained the BF when I got stuck in a hammock and couldn't get out (stupid bloody thing).

The next holiday I go on will be far away from sand, water and anything resembling a recreational activity. I think a nice city holiday - architecture, galleries, restaurants, bars and shopping. Or maybe to Vietnam. Or Bhutan. Either way, I don't want another beach holiday. I'm beached out.

Tart at 9:22 PM |


At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
LOL, Tart you're posts make my day. I enjoyed the list of 'did's'!

Next time, maybe a trip to Chicago, Ill USA! Not much sand here, just avoid Lake Michigan.

I have to plug the homeland. LOL!

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Tart said........
Ann, one day I'll make it there, though probably not in winter!

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Serendipity said........
Go to Dallas-Ft Worth Tart. You see, if you want to be anywhere near sand, you have to drive at least 7 hours (manic driving!)