Sunday, April 02, 2006
Yesterday was Satday. Stare at Tart Day.

Honestly, I have never had so many people stare at me. Of course, it didn't help that I was in *whisper* the
Hutt and *whisper* at a mall. I am so not a mall person. So generic. So bland. So boring. But my friend wanted to go, so she dragged me along. It felt like every single person was staring at me. Fucking freaks. The Hutt is weird though. Only a 25 minute drive from the city, but you need a visa permit to visit. Strange lot. Must be the inbreding LOL.

Today I saw the funniest movie I have seen in a long, long time.
Sione's Wedding. I was laughing so hard, I had tears streaming down my face. I haven't laughed that much for such a long time. And how fucking HOT is Robbie Magasiva...mmmmm

Tart at 6:52 PM |


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Need you to explain the Hutt reference. Googled it (when did that become a verb, anyway?) but think I need the insider's POV.
Island Redhead

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
you peaked my interest with this HOT Robbie Magasiva but there are not photos of this man. Tart, you tease! I am very curious as to what he looks like.
And, sadly I am guessing this Sione's Wedding will not be availabe in US since I haven't heard of it yet. Would love a good movie I can LMAO at!
Also, thanks for info from other comment. Will be ordering some!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Tart said........
IR - the Hutt reference is a snide and snobby little joke that ppl from Wellington have over Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt. The cities are in a valley, about 30 mins away from Wellington, but it does honestly feel like you are visiting a foreign place - it's very parochial, very "small town" mentality, and very bogan (or white trash LOL). But, that's my opinion. I'm sure those ppl who live out there think I'm a snobby bitch from the city LOL (and I am LOL).

Ann - Robbie Magasiva is a very hot and hunky Samoan actor...phwaor! I'll try and find some pics LOL. (You can see a few here - which is one of my fave kiwi films). And no, I doubt Sione's Wedding will get a release in the U.S. which is a shame as it is very very funny.