Monday, May 15, 2006
So my weekend sucked majorly. You know that good work news that the boyfriend had last week? Well, what he failed to mention was that this project means he is leaving the country for about 9 months, in two weeks time.

I'm annoyed, angry, bitchy and whiny (they sound like four new dwarfs for Snow White).

I haven't spoken or seen him since he told me this news (why yes I'm being immature and petty) because I am still mad. I promised someone that I'd be mad and not sad, 'cos sad makes me fat** LOL.

I'm not going to wait around 9 months for a guy, even this one.

So I'm going to be a single girl - it's gonna be mojitos and drunken shags from now on. Party on Tart!

*Red Dwarf Fans need not click

**It's Official

Tart at 4:12 PM |


At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Tart that totally sucks! Tell me he asked you to go with him, tell me he asked you to wait for him. Give this romantic something to go on.

I hope you have a better week than your weekend was.

Take care!

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Ann, yes it totally sucks :D

No, he didn't ask me to go with him and I said that I wouldn't wait around for him either. I'm pretty selfish, so my needs come first! LOL

I think what annoys me most is that he has known since late January, when he first put the proposal of this project together that is was an offshore project! But he only decided to tell me two weeks before he's meant to leave? Not nice buddy. A friend said that perhaps he was trying to spare me etc, but you know, I'm a big girl, I can take it LOL.

So yeah, sucks to break up over something like this. I do kinda need closure though, so I'm seeing him tomorrow morning to discuss things. We'll see how that goes. But he knows my feelings on it, so I really think it's a foregone conclusion LOL.


At 5:30 PM, Blogger Serendipity said........

That totally suck.

Have you considered long-distance relationship? You know, snail mails, e-mails, phone sex, phone conversation, internet camera shagging?

Of course it will be really hard work for BOB, but it might work....what do you think?

Besides, didn't you see that song "How can I miss you if you won't go away?"

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
No, I won't do a long distance relationship again (I've done two, one with an ex and one with current-but-soon-to-be-ex boyfriend when he was at film school for a year).

As I said, I'm pretty selfish and what I want comes first, so no long distance relationships for me LOL.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Ohh thats really sucks. Just wanted to say I feel for you.
Hope your okay? I guess you know in your heart what the right thing to do is based how you feel.

Did you just watch Sensing Murder? how sad was the ending for the guy. All those years carrying a torch for Catherine and being unable to move on. That session with the Psychic must of brought lots of closure for him hopefully.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Tart, I'm so sorry babe. I hope your discussion goes okay this morning (er was it yesterday, the time change confuses me lol). I think you should do what you feel is right.

I understand being pissed about him not telling you earlier. Maybe he was afraid if you had too much time to think about it you would end the relationship earlier and not enjoy the months you had left? I'm sure it wasn't easy for him but I can still understand you being mad, I would be.

I just have to say that I hope you are okay. Take care!


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Tart said........
I'm feeling okay today, though my brain isn't quite firing on all cylinders.

Jafa - I did watch Sensing Murder, I'm not quite sure if I believe it or not, but the female psychic was pretty spooky! LOL

Ann - it was this morning LOL. I can never work out time differences either, but NZ is about 17 or so hours ahead of the US (I think, I am probably wrong LOL).