Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I had today off sick from work. I had the worst stomach virus (diarrhoea), I think it might have been caused by the tomato and capsicum soup I had for lunch yesterday LOL (which is a shame, as that's my favourite flavour and now I'm not going to want to eat that for awhile). To make this day even crappier (oh, bad choice of words LOL), in a mad dash to the bathroom this morning, I stepped on a piece of glass (I'd accidently dropped a glass yesterday and must have missed this huge piece when I cleaned it up!). So now I'm hopping all over the place. Man. I'm so glad this day is almost over. It sucked.

However, one thing that didn't suck was Superman Returns. You don't know how surprised I was to actually enjoy the film LOL. Visually it's great, amazing special effects and it looks expensive. Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor is fantastic. The guy that played Clark/Superman looked quite a lot like Christopher Reeve (though I hear he bats for the other team, what a shame) LOL. I'd actually recommend it, big budget entertainment is sometimes good. (I can't believe I said that LOL).

Tart at 7:59 PM |


At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
OH NO, the guy who plays superman, brandon routh, has a gf, they're always on the entertainment shows now. by the way, love yur blog, i love yur updates but it's ashame u don't post on the bookbitches anymore though.

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
so thats why i got an IM from you yesterday in the middle of the day while you are usually at work. are you sure repeated viewings of martha stewart isn't the cause of your sickness? i know she makes me wanna puke. and to think i thought you had good taste, tisk tisk.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Tart said........
anon 1 - Brandon Routh? what kind of name is that LOL. I read some outrageous gossip that he's closeted gay (obviously if he's got a g/f) and was see giving a blow job to Kevin Spacey on the set of the movie LOL. Man I love that outrageous stuff :P

anon 2 - hey, I do too have good taste LOL. And yeah, Martha was so tacky! I'm not going to watch her anymore.