Monday, June 26, 2006
Last night I went to the supermarket. Not my usual supermarket (which is Newtown New World), but Island Bay New World. I felt like a change of scenery, and also there would be less chances of bumping into someone I knew in IB New World, whilst looking like a fat pog in ugly trackies and a hoodie.

And that of course was my big mistake.

For who did I see, across the soup aisle, but The-Guy-From-The-Bus-Who-Looks-Like-Wentworth-Miller (TGFTBWLLWM). Argh!

TGFTBWLLWM is so damn fine. Fine I tell you! Here I am, schleping along the aisle, handling a tin of Watties Soup For One (could I advertise any louder than I'm single?) trying to get a good perve at him (he had on a very cool Huffa jacket, a funky pair of trainers and extra points TGFTBWLLWW, for the nice bum in jeans!) and the contents of his trolley. I think you can tell quite a bit about a person by the contents of their trolley. I spotted Macs Gold Beer, pumpkin, carrots and tomatoes, pasta and two light bulbs. Hmmm. At least we like the same beer! I followed him around a couple more aisles, but lost him after I skipped the meat section. I then skulked around the magazine aisle, waiting to see which check out he went to, so I could stand behind him and stare some more.

It was then I realised what a nutjob I was turning into. This is not normal behaviour! I whisked the trolley up to the pimply-faced teenage checkout operator, paid for my stuff and then high-tailed it out of there.

But at least I know which supermarket he goes too. For future reference only, if I ever, you know, decide to go there again. On a Sunday. Dressed nicer. With my hair done. And make up on.

And just to remind us, of who TGFTBWLLWM looks like...

Mmm. Tasty!

Tart at 12:44 PM |


At 1:10 PM, Blogger Serendipity said........
Tart, you make me smile. I remember those "stalking days." Nothing ever panned out, but it was fun and exhilarating doing it.

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Tart, I love this! You crack me up. Keep stalking, he's too hot not too. Btw, did you make eye contact in the soup isle? I bet he's thinking to himself "OMG, it's the hot chick from the bus"

Do you still take his bus?

At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
wish i could of been there! won't find a better stalking buddy.


At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Rox, is right. Well, I'm hoping she's right since she's gonna stalk the sexy Matthew with me. :P

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yeah, that's what I need, a stalking buddy! LOL. Though that brings back memories of being in 7th Form (last year of high school) and me and my best friend following this guy I had a huge crush on all over the place. We even used to drive past his house and park down the road, to watch him come and go...and oh my god! This is really not normal behaviour LOL. Honestly, I'm not normally a stalker :D

And Ann, no I don't get the same bus as him much, it's too early for me! It's physically impossible for me to be up and out of the house by 8am LOL.

At 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Tart, yeah it is normal behavior. every girl i know has done this. its a rite of passage. granted it usually passes after once you are in your 20s. but we know you are young at heart. . . if no where else. :)

At 4:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
oh that was me - Rox

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Jo said........
What the fuck are you doing not taking his bus??? its obvious that something SHOULD happen between you two dangit! bus sightings and grocery stores?? I mean come on! but i hear good things come in threes.... maybe your see him at a club and then you better be all over him alright? GOT IT?!?!? I want a sex tale the next time you post about him!