Thursday, June 29, 2006
I don't blog a lot about work. Mainly 'cos I want to keep a little anonymity. Plus you hear the stories of bloggers who blogged about their job and ended up getting fired. Seeing as I love my job and the work I do. I'm keeping quiet.

Except for today.

I've had a day that has been so mind-numbing tedious. I've been sequested in a room, with a Director, going through page by page, line by line, this new web project we're working on. What makes it worse is that this director has the Worst. Breath. Ever.

I kid you not. It reeks. You can smell it across the room. Fuck, you could smell it from Kenya!

It is awful, but I don't want to say anything to them. Even though it stinks. I don't want to embarrass the person. Instead, I'll just bitch about it to you, dear reader, and to my friends LOL.

Lately we've had 4 new staff members join our organisation. They're nice and friendly and smart. Except one has a horrid voice. It's one of those voices in which every sentence goes up at the end, so it always sounds like a question, e.g It's really cold today? I had sushi for lunch? I sent you an email? They sound like a dimbulb LOL.

Tart at 4:43 PM |


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Serendipity said........
LOL. That is painful. I get the heaves just thinking about being in your place. I cannot stand stink of any kind.

Now you know I love my kids dearly. Who would want to change stinky diapers for years for 5 kids unless it's true love?

Would it have been considered rude if you started breathing only through your mouth as you offer him a mint?

Poor you!

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Tart said........
LOL - yeah, stinky nappy's are pretty vile.

The breath problem is still happening today, luckily they're cloistered in their office so I can't smell nothing.

It's so nice! :D