To celebrate Italy beating Australia 1-0 (woo-hoo! I drew Italy in the office sweepstakes) in their World Cup match earlier today, I thought I'd post some pictures of a few of the Italian team members.
Fabio Cannavaro
Andrea Bargzali
Allessandro Nesta
Francesco Totti (or as I call him, Top Tottie LOL)
(Sorry blokes, maybe next time I'll try put up pictures of hot sportswomen LOL).
Congratulations on your draw (I still think the Aussies should have won though...not just because I am Australian either). I think I like Wentworth Miller better than these ones... ~Leesha~
Yeah, Wentie is prettier than these Italian guys, but I have to say, these football players have bums and thighs that are really quite special. They certainly make me feel like watching them run around LOL.