Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I have come down with a terrible head cold! Fuzzy head, itchy eyes, blocked nose, sore throat and a headache. Yay. I can hardly breathe, let alone work, but here I am, infecting the rest of the office with my germs LOL.

Because my brain isn't functioning well and I am concerned that all you 8 people reading this blog will get bored, here's a list of other websites to entertain you while I take a wee break from blogging and get over this cold.

Smart Bitches, Trashy Novels
This website is bloody brilliant. They are indeed, smart bitches. As they say, come for the Dominican Bitches and stay for the man titty! Their latest post, a cover contest is a hoot.

It's My Blog and I'll Say What I Want To!
Another very smart blog by a rather acerbic, witty and funny blogger, Karen Scott. She tells it like it is and ain't afraid of bitch slapping people when they need it (including best selling authors like Mary Janice Davidson).

Overheard in New York
This site never fails to make me laugh, when you're there, check out Overheard in the Office for a few more giggles.

Time Ticker
Want to know what the time is in Croatia? Use this site, it's easy. And it ticks!
For all the news on what's hot in fashion.

Oh No They Didn't
Gossip blog site, scroll down for pictures of David Beckham in a small white speedo *nice*

That's it.

I'm off home now, to wallow in self pity over my pathetic cold.

Tart at 3:57 PM |


At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I think it is a bit more than 8 people!

At 11:50 PM, Blogger Serendipity said........
Hey Tart, get well soon. Poor baby!

At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Hey Tart, did you maybe get this cold from a certain young, sexy man? Maybe you just need some rest after the 3 TIMES!

Hope you feel better soon, drink lots of fluids :)

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Serendipity said........
I totally agree with island redhead Tart. I don't mind having colds if I just had all nighter great shag!