Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I'm sad over the loss of my absolute favourite pair of black trousers.

It's a tragedy. It took me years to find them, the perfect pair of black trousers, and when I did find them I was ecstatic. They weren't too skinny or tapered, or too bootcut/flared. They weren't hipsters, nor were they high waisted. The material draped and fell wonderfully, the length was perfect (well, it was after I had them taken up about 4 inches LOL), they made my legs look longer and my butt smaller. A miracle pair of trousers they were! So miraculous that I'm afraid I wore them out LOL.

These were the Best Black Trousers in the World. We Wellington woman wear a lot of black, and black trousers are a staple wardrobe componment (I have about 4 pairs of black trousers LOL) for those of us trudging up Lambton Quay during the week.

Now if you're wondering why don't I just go and buy a new pair, I've tried. I've gone to every bloody store in the city - from el cheapo to middle of the road and even the boutiques and I can't seem to find a pair of black trousers like these *sob*. I bought these in Melbourne last year, so perhaps I'm just going to have to get myself over there again, head to David Jones, and find the perfect pair of trousers again (and just my luck, they probably don't make this style anymore).

So, to cheer myself up. I'm going to think of Wentworth Miller.


I'm starting to feel better now LOL.

Tart at 3:50 PM |


At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Ooh, Black trousers are a must. Come to think of it, I could use a new pair. Hmm, need to go shopping!

Hey, Illinois, When was Wentworth here? I'm always the last to know everything!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Tart said........
Ann LOL - Prison Break (the show the lovely Wentworth is in), is set in a prison in Illinois. Now, for those in NZ that don't know how it all ends (though really, it's kinda easy to work out how it plays out LOL), close your eyes, here's a spoiler!

The second series is currently filming in Texas (I so need to take a road trip! - could kill two blokes with one stone - Matthew McC and the lovely Wentie! LOL).

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
IR - LOL, I wish that the said pants were in some hunks bedroom (though I can't imagine how I wouldn't gotten home sans pants LOL - that certainly would have been a walk of shame LOL), but alas, they just wore out. They started to look a bit tatty and the bum was sagging a bit. So they had to go. I'm still sad LOL.