Sunday, July 09, 2006
I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Dead Man's Chest this afternoon. It was quite enjoyable, Johnny Depp is a hoot. He runs rings around the other two - Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom. Keira doesn't so much act, as pout. Ditto for Orlando. I'm not an Orlando fan, he's very...fey, effete... girly looking. Blech. But Johnny. Oh Johnny. He is a blast. It's not as funny as the first film, but the story is set up nicely for the third and final film.

After the film, I went and booked a holiday! Unfortunately not to the Caribbean LOL. I booked a three-week trip to England and Italy! I'm going at the end of the year for Christmas, I'll spend a week in London with my family and then two weeks with my friends Kath and Tommy, who live in Puglia (it's the boot heel bit of Italy). Very cool. Kath and Tommy are English, but live six months of the year in Italy. They live in a trulli, which is a stone dwelling with a conical roof. They've been renovating it for ages, the last time I saw it, it still had cow dung on the floor and was falling to bits LOL. Lucky Tommy is a builder, so he's rebuilt and renovated it all himself. I can't wait to see them and the house. Of course, I have yet to pay for the tickets, so maybe I should concentrate on getting the money together first LOL.

Oh and I'll be getting up early tomorrow morning and heading to the pub (going to a pub at 6am versus leaving one is quite a new concept LOL) to watch the Football World Cup final! Go Italia! I win $100 if Italy beats France!

Tart at 6:34 PM |


At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
You got me hooked on the World Cup so I'm watching the final right now (afternoon for me so no need to arise early). I just saw that Italy scored their first goal with a header. I was having visions of you freaking out with excitement about that.

Go Italy (I don't have a preference so I'll just pull for the team that will win you money - you did introduce me to those sexy players after all)

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Serendipity said........
Hmmm, I don't think there's enough incentive for me to sit still through a world cup anything.

Is that a ball game cup sort of thing? You see, the problem with a ball game is these men chasing after one ball. Then they end up hurting each other and hitting each other to boot. I believe the problem can be solved by giving each of these men their very own ball and watch them ran around playing with their personal ball!

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Forza Italia, forza Italia! Woo-hoo! I'm $100 richer :P

Though I have to say, France played the better game, and to have to go to penalties sucks. But way-hey Italy. Imagine the party!

Serendipity - yes, this is a ball game, football darling LOL. The biggest game in the world! I'm not a huge football fan, but this world cup has been so exciting. Now I can't wait for the Rugby World Cup next year LOL - which I am pinning all hopes on our beloved All Blacks to win...

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Jo said........
YOU DIRTY TRAMP! i want to go with you.... i want to go back to europe like crazy.... but i can't even afford my rent right now so yeah.... definetly not happening.... I secretly hope to live in europe sometime before i die.... maybe even for my whole 'real' adult life... they need nurses over there right? and i'll be fairly fluent in spanish, french, and obviously english.... you should honor the italians by posting more of their hot football players!!!!! i like em.... a lot... haha.... mmmmmmmm.... i don't even want the nutella.... they are sweet enough on their own....