Monday, February 09, 2009
The following was sent to me today (click to enlarge).



I can honestly say that a hand held mixer or tea towels are really stretching it as gifts for Valentine's Day. "I love you honey, here's a Le Creuset pot".

Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn't have minded a Le Creuset pan. In red. LOL. Would've been more use that the kayak I got one year for Valentine's Day (I used that 4 times).

Le Creuset pans in red will have to wait though, I need a new laptop, this one is on the fritz. Likes to disconnect my internet connection whenever it feels like it, won't load my email programme, won't burn or read CDs/DVDs and the "e" key is stuck (I have to bash it twice to get it to work). So this week I'll get shopping around for a laptop. And I'll admit that I will probably buy one that is cool looking and stylish as a first priority LOL.

Tart at 9:35 PM |


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Shoshana said........
I'll take a pink hammer!

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Sanna said........
You've got an eye for style, so I am sure your new laptop will be pretty cool. Same with me, I've got a pink and silver mobile - nuff said!