Thursday, March 30, 2006
I hate Ugg Boots. I really despise them. And don't get me started on those fugly yeti boots.

I have spent all day today avoiding doing any work at all. If my office didn't have a glass wall facing the corridor, I'd have closed my office door and had a wee nap. I have spent all day checking blogs and found a couple of new ones which I thought were very funny -
Give Me Spirit Fingers! and Things My Boyfriend Says are my picks for today.

It's really difficult to find cool boots for winter. I am quite fussy (as if you hadn't realised by now) and find that I love the toe of a boot, but hate the heel. Love the heel of another, but hate the toe etc. I did find a gorgeous pair of boots which had all the elements I was looking for but the price! Holy Jebus. I could have a return ticket to Fiji plus seven nights at an all inclusive resort for that.

Am I terribly bitchy to think that a woman putting her makeup on (and I mean full make up, like foundation and concealer) on the bus in the morning is tacky? I feel like telling her to wake up 10 minutes earlier and get it done before she leaves the house.

Why is it on the days I wear my hair down it's windy, but the days I put it up it's not? Today I spent 25 minutes doing my hair, had it looking fantastic and then I took three steps out of the front door this morning and wooft, bad hair day. Stupid bloody wind.

I've decided to buy a new cellphone. Apparently since I've been a loyal customer of Vodafone, they're giving me a $75 discount voucher off any Nokia phone. And I can use it in conjunction with any other promotion going on. I did a bit of checking and found one cool phone on sale from $499 to $129. Minus my $75 discount and all I have to fork out is $54. Sweet.

It's my "anniversary" on Monday. The BF and I met exactly two years ago on April 3. I can't remember when our first date* was, but I can remember the first time I met him. It was at a party, I was standing talking to my friend Henry when he just came up and started talking to me. I thought he was very hot, all blonde and gorgeous and funny. And here we are. Two years later.

*We didn't really have a first date as such. I think he just called me up and asked if I was going to the pub and I think it all started from there.

Tart at 3:51 PM |