Wednesday, March 29, 2006
There are three hunky air conditioning engineers working in our offices this week.

One in particular is decidedly dishy. Great bod (he wears shorts, so I get to see his great arse and legs), handsome face and nicely tanned. He is in the office opposite mine right now, so I'm perving as I type this.

But. There is one thing that is ruining my fantasy (me & him on my desk...or the boardroom table LOL). His voice! It's a rather feminine voice. High and squeaky. Yuck. It's David Beckham all over again (hunky guy, terrible girly voice).

I guess I'll just have to fantasize that he's mute.

Yeah. That'll work.

Tart at 12:26 PM |


At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yeah, shorts. Not a fan but VT, the GYM? Not even at the gym? Seriously?

But voices, ew, hate feminine voices on men they creep me out.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
VT babe, trust me, the shorts aren't too bad. He has the legs for them LOL. And they're not like short shorts or anything :D