Thursday, May 25, 2006
I've spent the last two and a half days at home with a terrible headache, nausea and neck pain.

The nausea was so bad on Tuesday, that I spent about 3 hours in the bathroom puking (did you know, raspberry jelly and cashew nuts don't taste that great coming back up? Blech). Wednesday I woke up feeling better, but got that rolling stomach and watery mouth thing quite quickly and spent the day hovering close to the bathroom.

I couldn't even blob out and be sick properly on Wednesday*, as I had a house full of electricians installing a new oven (bye bye old gas oven, hello modern electric) as well as putting in new hotpoints around the flat. However, I'm a bit annoyed with the electricians - I showed them exactly where I wanted the hotpoints and they nodded and said, yep, we'll put them there and then proceeded to install them on the complete other side of the fucking room! Bloody morons. So now I have four hotpoints on ONE side of a room, right next to each other. Oh yeah, that works well!

Today I'm not feeling too bad, so am at the office inflicting my raspberry jelly and cashew nuts puke stories on people. I know, I'm so classy.

*this entails watching Ellen, Oprah, Martha Stewart and SpongeBob Squarepants while lazing on the couch in my pajamas.

Tart at 11:39 AM |


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Tart, I hope you are feeling better! It sounds like a mirgraine, or at least what happens to me when I get one. Take care of yourself, babe!

Oh, BTW is a 'hotpoint' like an outlet for us US people?

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Thanks Ann - am feeling okay now, I've been chugging green tea all day, so that's helped with the nausea.

A hotpoint is a power point. You know, where you plug in your lamps or TVs LOL. So having four of them on one wall is so helpful, especially when I have a lamp on the other side of the room! Grr LOL. I guess that's the downside of living in an almost 100 year old house LOL.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Jo said........
i would totally make the company come fix it. I SAW ZORBING ON A TV SHOW!!!! and now i really really want to do it sometime... haha...... anywho.... I hope you are having a wonderful friday.... i think its friday there already.... yeah.... p.s. drink lots of fluids so you don't get dehydrated and even sicker!!