Tuesday, August 08, 2006
My world tilted slightly yesterday, when I heard myself utter three little words I thought I'd never say.

In. My. Day.

I feel so old LOL.

I saw this ad on Yahoo! yesterday, and just had to take a screen grab of it to share.

(Click on it to enlarge it).

Notice anything interesting?

What about the bit that says "Get ready for back to school" and shows nine items that "you need".

Um, excuse me? In my day, we didn't need MP3 players, cellphones, digital cameras, Games Consoles (I mean, what the fuck?! Do some homework you lazy kid!) and TVs for school! Far out. Whatever happened to good old pen and paper?
Man, the coolest thing I ever had in high school was a folder covered in pics of Keanu Reeves in a wet t-shirt (from the movie Point Break). The most high tech thing any of us owned was a calculator (which we weren't allowed to take into exams).

It's no wonder kids these days have this sense of entitlement, that they have to get everything and anything they want.

Bring back pens and pencils.

Tart at 3:29 PM |


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Serendipity said........
In my day...same here.

I am absolutely banning game electronics in my house. However, they can play "Apples to Apples", read all kind of books, paint and draw, play musical instrument (no harp, coz I don't want to buy one, too big and expensive), or they can get bored and create stories in their heads.

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yep I am with you Tart. Remember the laminate covers for your exercise books. You'd stick your pictures down then laminate the cover. Oh the excitement of laminating your book. How you'd try so hard to do it with no creases showing.

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Serendipity - I think your kids will turn out the better for not having electronic games around the house. Seriously. I think they don't let the kids use their own imagination for play. Plus, from what I've seen, some kids can play these games for ours and ours on end, missing meals, not doing school work etc. Why would parents want that?

Jafa - Oh, coverseal! I loved that stuff. Man as soon as you got your books from the stationary office, it was straight home to Mum who helped cover them. Though the year that she covered them in wallpaper wasn't that great LOL. It was pretty fugly wallpaper too LOL.