Tuesday, August 01, 2006
My birthday is in a few weeks time.

I wasn't going to plan anything special, maybe a few drinks and dinner at Zibibbo.

However, my Dad will be in the country for my birthday and he now has semi-hijacked my birthday plans LOL. He's only going to be in Wellington for a few days and so thought that it was a good idea to get people he probably won't get a chance to see, to come along to drinks. Which is fine by me. Except he has invited not one, but two of my ex boyfriends!

Argh. One ex is really good friends with my father (they're golfing buddies, drinking buddies and rugby buddies) and the other ex is married to a woman Dad used to work with. This 'small worldness' shit has got to stop! In fact, if I think about it, this is something that
happens a bit with my parents - becoming friends with my ex's!

It's just going to be weird, to sit around a table at a restaurant and see three men I've slept with (I've invited my toy boy non-boyfriend Josh along). Oh well, at least it'll be entertaining!

I thought I had a
TGFTBWLLWM sighting today. I was at Dymocks and thought I saw him in the non-fiction section. I should've gone and had a proper stalk look, but I was running late to meet a friend.

I tell you, that 'could be' sighting really made my day!

Tart at 3:00 PM |


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
I think you need to write a book. You are always cracking me up. Yay, for the TGFTBWLLWM sighting! Next time, stalk and just be a bit late :P


At 8:09 AM, Blogger Serendipity said........
LOL. Tart, your life's more fun the Bridget Jones.

You need to re-title this blog. The Diary of Pop Tart.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Jo said........
really whats it matter if your late to meet a friend when we could be talking about your next best shag?

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Jo said........
tart, did i tell you that starting this next semester I will be taking a college course called french cinema??? i get to watch french movies once a week!!