Saturday, September 30, 2006
Isn't the internet a wonderful thing!

Look what I found when
surfing around today!

Australian Rugby League players...naked!

You can see more pics

I think Mr June (Nick Youngquest) and Mr September (Ben Ross) are my favourites LOL.

Oh, and as you can see I've changed the blog template. I still like the old one so it might make an appearance again.

Tart at 5:25 PM |


At 5:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
What's that you say about a new blog template? I hadn't noticed, although, in my defense I was distracted by sexy naked men. :P

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
Oh, I am a BIG fan of cute back-side! They are sooo great!

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Serendipity said........
Can we like purchase this calendars anywhere?