Friday, September 15, 2006
Dear Occupier

We, the undersigned, would like to bring to your attention a few issues that are causing concern amongst several members.

A few members have been working long hours, several have had to do unpaid overtime in order to cope with the increased consumption of liquid intoxicants being ingested in large amounts, over what appears to be a short time frame.

Although we detect these liquid intoxicants as being a derivative of the red grape and could technically be considered a fruit, we regret to notify you that it cannot be thought of as part of the "5 Plus a Day" fruit and vegetable servings nutritionalists and health professionals recommend as the required amount for a person a day.

We ask that you replace the liquid with something else, perhaps water, in order for the overworked members to recover. If this request is denied, we will be forced to evacuate the liquid intoxicant, something I am sure you wish to avoid as it could lead to a rather uncomfortable situation.

Secondly there has been a significant increase in the consumption of Nice and Natural Natural Nut
Apricot Bars. Although a delicious and tasty snack, our concern is that these should not be consumed as a meal replacement. We would like to remind you that for us to function at optimum levels, a well balanced diet is necessary. After several days of deliberations, we have unanimously agreed that more fish and protein is needed.

Poor workplace facilities, combined with the stress and irritation caused by your failure to remove the plastic lens to correct faulty vision has led to two of our hardest working members going on strike.

If removal of the lenses is not forthcoming immediately, we will be forced into a lockdown where access to the site will be hindered by our Union Reps - Conjuctivitis.

However, it is not all doom and gloom. The current deforestation efforts in the Southern region are appreciated, especially as the summer season draws near.

The ten terminal members of the deep south would also like to congratulate you on your timely and efficient repainting scheme. The bright and fresh colour is liked by all.

We hope that our concerns are met with positive outcomes.

Please do not hestitate to contact our Head office if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely

Your Body Corporate

Tart at 3:44 PM |


At 12:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said........

At 12:56 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
Ha ha ha ah.

I wonder how extensive these deforestration project are! LOL.

Like for instance, does it involve the fjords and valleys as well? *wink*