Monday, September 18, 2006
A while back, the lovely people from BenBella Books contacted me about a new book they were publishing - This is Chick Lit.

Would I like a free copy? Would I? Is Paris Hilton wonky eyed and talentless? LOL

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This is Chick Lit is an anthology of short stories, edited by Lauren Baratz-Logsted, that "celebrates what it means to write chick lit and to read it - and shows once and for all that you shouldn't judge a book by its pastel cover".

I am a big fan of chick lit, and have been since I first read Bridget Jones's Diary when it first appeared in a newspaper column in England back in the mid to late 90s. I am always surprised by the derisive comments I get from people, especially other women, over my reading preferences. (At least I read!)

Chick Lit is looked down on, scorned as second rate, the "literary underclass". It's seen as stupid, fluffy and frivolous, inferior to other genres, in particular, literary fiction. This view is often, if not always, held by people who've only read a few, if any, Chick Lit books. And what surprised me, this view is often held by other women writers.

Chick lit is written by women, about women and for women and therefore it is seen as lacking any literary merit. An author in the anthology writes "an author recently commented that the term chick lit sounds as if the writing is about, for, and by women, nothing more. Nothing more?! Why isn't that enough?"

The stories in this anthology demonstrate that not all chick lit stories are about "a sad, lonely pathetic single girl in the city looking for Mr Right, all the while shopping for Manolo's and Prada bags".

Sure, some chick lit is about that. And you know, there's nothing wrong with it. But a lot of chick lit, and the stories in this anthology reflect this, are about women in various stages of their lives, in various jobs or positions, coping with issues like infidelity, motherhood, returning to the workforce, dating and yes, fashion! LOL

So, if you're a Chick Lit lover, I recommend this book. If you've always turned your nose up at Chick Lit, I recommend this book too, I think you'll be surprised at how
entertaining, clever, irreverant, magical, fun and good the stories are.

Tart at 4:37 PM |


At 12:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
I love Chick Lit. Granted I've read some crap in this genre but the majority of what I read, I love.

As for the fluffy covers. That's half the fun. I love a pretty cover and when I walk into my favorite book store and see their table for "new paperbacks" I get all aflutter about the new chick lit that's out.

How'd you get so lucky to have a copy sent to you from the publisher?

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Tart said........
Yeah, I've read a few that were pretty bad, but overall I am entertained :P

The publisher sent me a copy, one of their marketing team had seen my blog and emailed me. Pretty cool, huh?

Now if I could just get SEPs publishers to send me a copy of NBC,that would be so sweet!