Monday, March 01, 2010
1. Why do some really nice guys (you know, the funny, cute, smart ones) go out with drop-kick women with no personalities and no conversation skills?
2. Those new Vodafone characters creep me out.
3. I really hate it when people wear white sports socks with black dress shoes.
4. I probably won't go see Alice in Wonderland because Johnny Depp doesn't look that hot in it.
5. I am moving in with my parents (probably in late March, early April) to save $$ to buy a house and I'm concerned that my parents will realise what a pathetic social life their daughter has.
6. My vege garden has been a success! I "harvested" green beans, lettuce, courgettes and beetroot today and had a really lovely salad for dinner tonight.
7. Why hasn't someone streamlined the design of ice-skates? They look so clunky and uncomfortable.
8. I'm not going to the Lady Gaga concert in Auckland on 13 March and I'm really miffed. Work schedule means I can't go (despite having tickets and telling my boss weeks ago). Have sold the ticket to a friend and will go buy some shoes this week to make me feel better.
9. I haven't bought any tickets to any of the NZ International Arts Festival shows but I'm hoping I'll somehow get some freebies.
10. I made some lemon cupcakes tonight, with the idea of taking them into work tomorrow, but I've eaten 4 and decided they're too good to share!
11. I have a new cellphone and I love it... sadly, I'm in love with it because I can get work emails and sync it with my Outlook calendar. I have got to get a life LOL.
12. I really wish Sephora would open here in NZ.
13. Ditto IKEA.
14. I could quite happily exist on crusty bread and good cheese for dinner for weeks (not sure my flabby arse would appreciate it though).
15. I've spent a lot of time looking at these, all because if I vote, I want to make an informed choice. They're all very young but I'm leaning towards Phillipp Spahn, who's quite dishy.

Tart at 9:44 PM |


At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
what's a 'drop-kick' woman?

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Tart said........
Drop-kick means a bit dim or stupid... slow on the uptake. Very colloquial, and I think, Aussie slang.

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Sanna said........
No IKEA in NZ? It's a shame!