Monday, March 22, 2010
In less than 10 days I'll be leaving my little flat and *pause for dramatic effect* moving back in with my parents.

On one hand, I think it's a smart move (rent free for 12 months means a decent deposit for a house), on the other hand I worry about how I can actually live with my mum for 12 months.

But before I even get through the door, I have to pack up the flat. Which means some serious list making. I have yet to actually start any packing (first thing on the 'to do' list is get boxes and packing materials) and I'm procrastinating a lot. I have no motivation at all, also no help that I'm away for work three days this week and two days next week. I wish someone would just come into the flat and pack everything for me.

In totally unrelated packing/moving news, I met an "interesting" guy on Friday night. Friend of a friend deal. We did NOT get on at all. Oil and water. I have never encountered such an arrogant, frustrating person. I tend to be quite even-tempered, hate confrontation, get on well with people, but this guy was so difficult. We disagreed about everything and got into heated discussions which were, apparently, quite entertaining for the other people around us. I left feeling really annoyed because he got the last word and I spent all weekend trying to think of witty and sarcastic put downs that I should've said.

Right. I just remembered something else that needs to go on the to do list.

Poptart out.

Tart at 9:28 PM |


At 3:19 AM, Blogger Lizzy said........
Send your moving list my way when you're done with it. We're moving in less than three weeks (thankfully not just 10 days). If there's anything I hate more than packing, I haven't encountered it yet.

So about the guy. Was he hot and will you be seeing him again? You know what they say, if it's that much fun just arguing with him...

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
opposites attract.

At 1:36 AM, Blogger Sanna said........
Ah, I just hate arguments like that. It's when you leave the place, go home and then it comes to your mind...all the great replies you could have said. Plus, I often feel very misunterstood or treated unfair in situations like these.

Just stop thinking about it. He's an a$$hole and you are darling, smart and clever Poptart. Full stop.