Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I've decided not to go to Melbourne in a few weeks. (Long story).

Instead, I'm going to
Byron Bay in the new year! The BF and I comprised. I wanted Langkawi, he wanted Koh Samui, our budget could only stretch to Byron Bay LOL).

It's a great place, BF can surf and dive and do all his nature/outdoorsy stuff, while I can laze on the beach, drink and partake in a few "herbal" cigarettes (it's known for it's alternative lifestyle LOL).

A friend has a house in Byron Bay and parked up on her back garden is a caravan. So, free accommodation for us for the 7 days, which will be fabulous. Normally I don't do caravans (or tents or anything other accommodation not made of concrete/steel etc), but I've stayed in this caravan before, and it's really cute (and I shall christen it "The Love Shack" LOL).

So yeah, roll on January 2!

Last nights bookclub was okay. I picked up a couple of books to read, so we'll see how I go with those. It still felt like a classroom with people giving book reports LOL. After the bookclub finished, my friend J and I went to a bar that had $3 bubbles all night. I love bubbles. Knocked back a few of those before meandering home.

Tonight, I'm off to the movies to see The Constant Gardener. Have read some good reviews, so am looking forward to it.

Tart at 11:59 AM |