Thursday, November 24, 2005
I was just checking the stats for this wee blog of mine and I've had over 6000 visitors! Wow. I only thought about 3 people were reading this thing LOL.

One of the functions of this tracking software is it allows me to see what words people are using as search queries and end up here. By far, my favourite is "Tarts without Panties" LOL. I'd like it to be noted, that I usually do wear undies, except when I've been lazy and haven't done the laundry for a few days, then I may go commando.

It's also interesting to note (well to me anyway) where these visitors come from (yes, it's very big brother-ish).

So far, this blog has been visited by people in:

Livingstone, New Jersey, USA
Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA
Oak Brook, Illinois, USA
Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Dallas, Texas, USA
Reston, Virgina, USA
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Peterborough, England
Dominican Republic
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Anaheim, California, USA
New York, USA
Florida, USA
Auckland, NZ
Vitoria, Spain
Sydney, Australia
Sunnyvale, California, USA
West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, USA

So, I'm going to run a competition. If you'd like some gorgeous New Zealand goodies (including the infamous Tim Tams), just post a comment on this blog post.

I'll pick a name at random (bribes will be considered LOL). You have until November 30.

The said goodies will be sent to you, chosen with love, care and attention from moi. (But more like completely random stuff I find at the supermarket and shops LOL).

Tart at 12:07 PM |