Tuesday, December 06, 2005
This post will be mostly be whinging and whining, so if you don't feel like reading my pathetic ramblings, click on the red x top right to escape.

The tests that were run yesterday came out fine - no cirrhosis of the liver, which is good, as I kinda lied when the doctor asked me how many units of alcohol I drank in a week (simple formula, divide by 4 and then subtract 3) and a fucked up liver may have been difficult to explain. "Well you see Doctor, I must have cirrhosis due to all the second hand drinking".

The doctor suggested that to help with the swelling, I wear these support hose...

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Great. I turned 80 overnight!

It wouldn't bother me as much (yeah right) if it was winter, because I could wear these under jeans/trousers and no one would be the wiser. However, with the summer weather at the moment, I don't think these really "go" with cute flirty skirts and dresses *sob*.

It also wouldn't be so bad if I only had to wear one. Because then I could say that I hurt my ankle and the physiotherapist recommended I wear it. But two? Don't think so.

Man, why can't I just take a bloody pill to make the edema go away? I like pills. Pills are good. No fuss, no muss.

You know I'm going to be back in my hometown for the holidays and have matching "legwear" with my grandmother and great aunts.

I need a drink.

Tart at 12:05 AM |