Wednesday, November 08, 2006
So, I didn't win the Melbourne Cup. Despite picking the favourite in the office sweepstakes! Dammit. I am so bloody unlucky. I don't think the two horses I chose at the TAB even finished in the top 5. Useless blimmin' donkeys! LOL.

Saw a great little funny film last night. It's a mockumentary Australian film about Kenny, who delivers port-a-loos to events. I thought it was very good, I love that Aussie humour.

What does it say in the "Good Friends Handbook" about dating your friends brother? LOL. I met my friend Steve's older brother last night at dinner. He's been living in London for the last 12 years and has come back to NZ to live. I'd never met him before (what with him being in London and all LOL) but we really clicked. Like seriously good chemistry between us. Sparks even! LOL.

He's an economic analyst (smart), has a dimple (I am such a sucker for dimples), dark hair and dark brown eyes. Articulate, witty and has a very dry sense of humour. He must be in his mid to late-30s (so not a toyboy!). He gave me his phone number but I'm not sure what the protocol is (if there is one) regarding going out with your dearest friends brother. Is it taboo? Is it a line that I shouldn't cross? Help me out people LOL. I really like him. But I don't want to do anything that would strain the friendship I have with Steve.

Oh and in 17 days I will be seeing U2. Yay. Finally. This is the concert that was postponed in March, after The Edge's daughter was ill. I can't wait. They will (hopefully) rock! I will have to go with my ex-boyfriend though, as he bought the tickets. Should be okay though. I've been in contact with him and we've kinda got an arrangement. Though if Cute Older Brother (COB) works out, that arrangement might not happen LOL.

Tart at 1:35 PM |


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Girlie said........
If you haven't dated his brother, the friend brother, then I don't see any problem with you dating the other brother.

On the other hand, do you like jeans? I think jeans are great...hubby thinks otherwise, but he's male. What does he know?

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Oh I liked my friends brother as we started hanging out as a group and I realised what a great caring guy he was.
i told him how I felt and he said he hadn't thought of me as more than a friend. He was also worried as it might cause drama and issues.
He then left for overseas and has been back a few weeks.
My friend doesn't know i asked her brother out and only him and i know about it. (he told no one about it and neither did I)
So yeah i am not holding my breath with this guy and will be interested to hear what others think about dating friends brothers etc.
It's hard to find a person you like and click with.

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
I'm with Shosh, if you haven't dated Steve and he doesn't have deeper feelings for you then it shouldn't be a big deal.

I'm thinking the best way to handle this is to say to Steve, "hey, I enjoyed meeting your brother, I think we clicked. He gave me his number. Should I call him or is it just to weird for you? Your friendship is too important to me so tell me what you think..."
Or something like that. Since Steve and you are so close I think it's important that you're honest with him first.

Yay, for U2!!1

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yeah i agree with Vixen. I would have loved to have been in your situation tart. If i had liked the brother straight away it might have turned out different. I am one of those people who take ages to really like someone.
So ask the brother first and it he's cool your sweet as.
My situation was different as I had been hanging out with my friend and her brother for ages. Going out every weekend and going on holidays together. I used to like his mate for abit who hungout with us as well before I liked him.
His mate used to like me as well for abit and we kissed once really quickly which i now regret.
So yeah much more complicated. As not only was the sister a factor but so was one of his best mates.
So i needed to be sure that he felt the same way before I spoke to his sister. Thats why i asked him first.
Turned out he hadn't even considered us to be more than friends. I really liked him heaps at the time and thought he was special.
Still do think he's a great guy and would make a good catch for some girl one day.
So yeah go for it Tart. Ask your good mate first.

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
No, I haven't dated Steve at all. He is an old friend, former flatmate and is engaged to my cousin. I love him like a dorky brother LOL. So there isn't a problem there.

I'm not sure if I want to ask Steve if it's okay. I don't think he'll have an issue with it (unlike say, several of my girlfriends who would suddenly turn into rottweilers if I took an interest in their brother/s LOL).

I don't know. I might just leave it. I don't want to ruin the friendship with Steve, he's my little movie and dinner dude :D Plus, he's the only guy I know with more shoes than me and, he loves shoe shopping LOL.