Friday, November 10, 2006
So, last night I came home after going to an art exhibition opening (art = good, pretentious wanky art types = bad) to watch Bridget Jones's Diary on tv.

I like Bridget. I've been reading her exploits since the mid-90s (back when "she" was a column in a newspaper) and I've lost count of the number of times I've read the books.

I thought the first movie was done really well, funny, sweet and dorky Bridget in all her glory. And how gorgeous was Hugh Grant? I liked him as Daniel, a total shit for sure, but a cute one.

So there I am, fluffy PJs on, big glass of red wine, on the couch, alone and lo! There's Bridget, fluffy PJs on, big glass of red wine, on the couch, alone and singing into a magazine LOL.

And just like Bridget, tonight I have to suffer through attend a dinner at my friends house. Everyone else invited are engaged or married couples, except for moi. Shit. They better have decent fucking wine.

And to make it worse, Bridezilla will be there! No doubt she'll harass me about something to do with her wedding).

Jesus help me. They really better have decent fucking wine!

Tart at 2:11 PM |


At 6:08 PM, Blogger Girlie said........
Tart you can be the eccentric single friend. Cool, hip and frank.

I hope they have wine for you and lots of it!

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Jan said........
I just like your comments on what is going through your mind

At 5:29 AM, Blogger Sanna said........
Tart, there are two possibilities:

1. Be cool and let them know what fucking great stuff they miss (takeaways!).

2. Get pissed and make a complete fool of yourself.

Have fun!
