Sunday, May 13, 2007
Things I did this weekend:

  1. Tidied the pantry and kitchen cupboards
  2. Bought new bra and undies
  3. Went to a party
  4. Drank far too much wine
  5. Flirted with very hot Christian Bale look-a-like (he looked so much like him I did a classic double take)
  6. Lost one contact lense
  7. Stumbled home at 3am, half blind, very drunk
  8. Surprised the BF who was awake watching the rugby
  9. Annoyed the BF while he was watching the rugby
  10. Felt bummed that no NZ team will be in the Super 14 final (bloody Yarpies! LOL)
  11. Got up at 8am to went to the vege market
  12. Bought coffee and pain au chocolate for the BF
  13. Had a rather lovely morning shag
  14. Watched "The Parent Trap" on TV because Dennis Quaid was in it (he's hot)
  15. Made vege soup
  16. Ate tasty, albeit slightly spicy soup
  17. Went to the gym
  18. Did a great BodyPump workout
  19. Made cupcakes and iced them in cute colours
  20. Ate four cupcakes
  21. Felt sick
  22. Finally realised it was Mother's Day and called my mother

Tart at 8:30 PM |


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Jo said........
well... the thing is that you called your mom haha.....

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
slut. btw, i love dennis too. can you say "fuckable?"


At 3:59 AM, Blogger Girlie said........
I love Dennis Quaid. In fact, I would see Dennis Quaid movie twice. One for watching him, and another for listening to what he says.

Meg Ryan must be brain dead to ditch him for that Aussie blok.