Best link to make me laugh hilariously, click here. I couldn't even read the article, I was laughing at the pictures. So tragic. Love it!
A friend of a friend forwarded this to me the other day...
1. Do you like your name?
It's okay LOL. It's not a common name and I like having two middle names
2. Who would you trade places with for one day?
Victoria Beckham. Firstly, because I'd shag David to an inch of his life, then meet Katie Holmes and tell her to "run, run like the wind" as far away from that little freak munchkin she married and then I'd eat something, cos the woman needs a sandwich or two!
3. What’s the first thing you’d do with $1,000? (other than pay bills)
Buy a ticket to some exotic locale - the Seychelles
4. Which of any superhero's powers do you covet?
It'd be pretty cool to be invisible
5. What’s your favorite quote?
Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves? (Friedrich Nietzsche)
6. What’s your best habit?
Neatness and tidyness
7. Are you a hugger?
Yep, sure am
8. What’s the last nice thing you did only for yourself?
Got a massage, pedicure, manicure and aryuvedic facial a week or so ago
9. What one album for a desert island?
One? Umm... I think it'd be one of the Green Room compliations by Loop Records. A collection of songs by NZ artists
10. What one book for a desert island? JUST KIDDING!! - LOL
I'll answer anyway LOL. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding!
10. Are you a planner or spontaneous?
I'm a planner, as much as I delude myself into thinking I'm spontaneous
11. Living or dead, who’d you most like to meet?
Elizabeth 1
12. All time favourite commercial?
That cartoon KFC ad from the 70s ("and Hugo said you go, and I said no you go and we all went to Kentucky Fried")
13. What has been your favourite age so far and why?
Hmm, high school was pretty great, university was fun and my mid 20s rocked, but I'd have to say that the age I'm at now is my favourite. I have a job I love, earn great money, travel, have a cool BF and a funky old house
14. What’s your favourite thing about your country?
That it's small - 90-odd% of all New Zealanders live within 40km of the ocean. You can drive for a couple of hours and go from wild tussock barren landscape, to mountains, to lush forests and pretty beaches and then drive back again to a city
15. What’s one convenience we have available today that you wish you had when you were younger?
A computer! I never had one until I was in my 20s and living in Japan
16. Would you have a second home in the mountains or at the beach?
Beach baby! It's perfect in summer and when it turns cold, there's nothing as wonderful as a dark, moody beach in winter, very atmospheric
17. … a boat, an airplane or an R.V.?
Airplane, so I would've have to sit in economy class again
18. How did you meet your spouse or significant other?
At a party
19. What’s an important thing to teach a daughter?
To be independent and strong
20. What’s an important thing to teach a son?
How to cook and clean LOL
21. Favorite comedian?
Oh, toughie. Eddie Izzard, Andy Evans, Billy Connolly, Dai Henwood, Billy T James ... most British or NZ ones, not a huge fan of American comics (mainly because some of the cultural references I don't get)
22. Back, side or stomach sleeper?
All three!
23. Beauty or brains (for yourself)? Beauty or brains (for sig. other)?
Brains for me. Brains for him
24. Music, news, talk radio or silence while driving?
Music, then sports talkback radio, then silence LOL
25. What’s the next language you’d like to learn?
Do you ever match a song to a person? Whenever I hear certain songs I always think of people I know. For example, at the gym today they played "Sweet Home Alabama" which always makes me think of my Dad. He loves this song, plays it at every family party/get together LOL. He also plays it on the guitar and sings a pretty good rendition of it too.
So, other songs that remind me of friends/family:
Can't Touch This, MC Hammer - My sister LOL. She loved that song "back in the day", even had my mum make "hammer" pants for her and her best friend. They memorised the lyrics and dance moves too LOL.
Love Is All Around, Wet Wet Wet - My mum. She had the soundtrack to "Four Weddings and A Funeral" and this was her favourite, played it over and over again.
Everlong, Foo Fighters - My boyfriend. One of the few CDs that we both have (Foo Fighters, "The Colour and the Shape") and just a song that he loves.
Tequila, ? - Best friend since 4th Form. She has a huge party in 7th Form, a tequila party (where before I left, my parents showed me the different ways of drinking tequila, man, my parents rocked LOL). The party was awesome, and we played this song quite a bit during the course of the evening.
Bright White Flame, Underword - Good friend and university sidekick, this song featured in the short film we made for short film competition LOL.
Pinball Wizard, The Who - Flatmate in London, who sang this song for about 4 weeks in preparation for an audition he had for a part in a West End musical.
Spinning Around, Kylie - Old flatmate and best friend, it was our "going out" song, the one we'd put on as we got ready to go out on the town.