Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Getting within about a foot of David Beckham on Sunday when I was at the airport. Totally fortuitous timing (I wasn't stalking him LOL). I was there dropping a friend off, and just so happened that David was there too. He's a lot smaller than I expected. Quite slight. Still 100% gorgeous. God is he beautiful. I managed to get photo proof of seeing him, however I don't have the images on this machine (it's on my work pc). But several of friends have seen my blurry, hurried snaps LOL.

Starting and finishing my Christmas shopping. Yep. It's all done. Well, 99% done. Just need to get one small thing for my mother. I got everything I wanted and managed to score some great prices (thanks Briscoes for the 50% off sale). Now the fun stuff begins, wrapping!


The arguments my BF and I have been having lately. I'm annoyed and frustrated, which makes me stressed, which gives me headaches and makes me a real cranky bitch. Nice.

Losing my entire make up bag. I know it seems trivial, but I'm really bummed out about it LOL. The full make up bag that included everything from MAC foundation to eyeshadows, 8 hour cream to eyelash curlers. It's going to take awhile (not to mention money) to replace it all.

Tart at 9:58 PM |


At 8:46 AM, Blogger Sanna said........
David Beckham, huh? Can't stand him. Too winy voice.

What's going on with the bf there? I always had this image of the two of you just being perfect for each other.


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Ohhh, I was bummed when he went to Dallas because I had recital for my kids. I could have seen him kicking ball around.

Sorry about your arguments with your BF. I'm the same way when I have arguments with my hubby. I get headachy, and unsettled and my attitude will for sure make it worse!

Hey have you seen my new digs? (again!)