Friday, January 18, 2008
It's the end of a long week and I'm lying on the couch, big glass of sauvignon blanc in my hand watching Tim Gunn's Guide to Style on TV3 (oh, I love me some Tim).

I've have been trying really hard today to not let the BF get on my nerves (I admit I only yelled at him once, and rolled my eyes twice). He's obviously feeling a lot better, because he's gone to the pub with mates and left me alone with Tim. Yay! Gosh, I am such a bitchy girlfriend! Totally lacking any sympathy. I think I'll cope better when I'm back at work, in my normal everyday routine.

This holiday, while long, hasn't exactly been the relaxing, fun filled and enjoyable one I had envisioned. I feel a pout coming on! Oh save me Tim Gunn. Save me.

Tart at 7:38 PM |


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Shoshana said........
I was in a snit all morning. I got help from my DH with driving the kids to school...only thing is he left two behind because he's in a he has to drive twice. He's not happy, and I am not happy. Heaven help me from 'help'. I think I'd rather do it myself.

There, rant finished. He bought me the biggest chocolate cake, and offered to massage my foot for making me cranky today. Him of the coughing person. :)