Monday, June 02, 2008
Thanks for all the positive comments and emails, I really appreciate them. It has been a difficult few days, but we're all coping and getting on with life. I have to say I'm thankful for the three-day weekend!

I've spent the weekend just relaxing and chilling out (chillaxing?), reading, pottering around the house, eating and watching TV. I even got to use the remote control and watch the E! channel uninterrupted and I didn't once turn to a sports channel. Obviously because my boyfriend was away for the weekend LOL.

A lot of the E! channel coverage has been about the Sex and the City movie, unfortunately it'll be another week before I can see it here - I've been avoiding spoilers and reviews online because I don't want to know what happens.

I am a big Sex and the City fan, every week I would get together with my friends and we'd watch it. For the final episode, we went all out. We hired a private room at a bar, and hooked the large screen TV to watch the show. Just like you would if it was a sporting event or something. It was quite sad when it ended, but, you know, life goes on.

So, the movie picks up 4 years after the series ended, life for the four characters has moved on and changed. It made me think about my SATC watching friends and how we've changed in three/four years.

Friend 1 - got married, had two kids, is contemplating a third
Friend 2 - moved to Auckland, met a French-based Irishman, moved to Paris
Friend 3 - got married, had a baby, had an affair, got divorced
Friend 4 - moved to Sydney, made a lot of money, engaged to banker
Friend 5 - Gave up lucrative career to go back to university, just graduated with her Masters last week!

As for me? Nothing has changed. I'm still living in the same house, in a relationship with the same man. Oh, I've changed jobs, but everything else is just the same. Well, obviously the latest family drama has changed things, but not really. My life is pretty much the same. Damn, why can't I met a hunky bloke and get whisked to live in Paris? LOL

Tart at 6:35 PM |


At 3:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
I like manly men. If a man told me he knew the ins and outs of Sex and the City I would punch him in the face before running in the opposite direction from his candy ass.
i stl Watch Movie here