Monday, October 06, 2008
So my weekend started really fantastic. I don't talk a great deal about my sex life on this blog (because... euw, I'm sure you don't want to read about it) but I just want to mention that on Friday (and some of Saturday), I got a lot of hot wild monkey sex. Yay me.

Now, that hot monkey sex is a distant memory, because on Saturday I rolled my left foot over and two ligaments tore. Holy shit, it hurt! Luckily I didn't wreck the gorgeous killer heels I was wearing (a very expensive pair of heels that I purchased in my "I don't care how much they cost, I've got a credit card" phase).

No fracture of the ankle, but two ligaments that connect the ankle to the toes were torn. (Thanks to the diagnosis from the $93 doctor at the after hours clinic). I am to rest up, take pain relief and keep the foot strapped.

So, I'm off work today, leg up and watching rubbish daytime TV (Oprah sucked today) and surfing the net. I'm bored. And gimpy.


Tart at 3:47 PM |


At 3:06 AM, Blogger Sanna said........
Poor, Tart! About the ankle,that is. LOL

Did they tease you about the shoes in the ER? Because that's what they did when I hurt my ankle years ago. It were male docotors, so we all know that they don't have any taste in shoes, right?

Love, Sanna

At 3:34 AM, Blogger Lizzy said........

Daytime tv really is sucky. Other than Ellen, there's not much I like. Hopefully you heal quick and can get back to your regularly scheduled life, including the monkey sex LOL.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Awww, that sucks.

On the bright side, your heels are okay and you got some wild monkey sex even if it's a distant memory now.