Tuesday, February 17, 2009
With apologies to Jesse from The Fast Show.

"This week I 'ave mostly been... "

Bumping into my ex-boyfriend. Crap!

I've moaned about this to a few friends; on Sunday I was shopping and walked into the Adidas store, only to walk out again as my ex and his new girlfriend were shopping in there. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with that.

Tonight after work I walked down to St John's Bar to have a drink with a friend (it was a gorgeous sunny evening) and who should come stand next to me at the bar, but my ex! We did the "hey" platitude but that was it. I was quite happy to get back to my friend and catch up on her social life (she's signed up with an online dating site and has been on a few dates, she's been regaling me with the horror stories LOL).

Honestly! It's some kind of karmic joke, all I need know is to bump into Tattoo Freaky Boy or Josh and I'd hit the ex jackpot LOL.

Sometimes this town is just too bloody small.

Tart at 11:08 PM |


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Shoshana said........
Oh boy! I'm just glad that I don't. I wouldn't know what to do with one.

How's your new digs? I haven't heard anything about it in a while.