Sunday, July 26, 2009
As regular readers of the blog (all five of you... "Hi!") will know, I'm very fond of lists. 

Today's cover all the things that piss me off and all things that don't. Let's start with the things that piss me off, so we finish on a high note.


Parents who take their screaming obnoxious children out to nice cafes. I don't begrudge them wanting to get out, but please make sure the kids behave themselves. Today I witnessed the WORST behaviour from a pair of precocious obnoxious little people (Tallulah and Hugo, the little shits and don't get me started on their pretentious names, ugh), who ran riot around the cafe, got in the way of the waiting staff, yelled and screamed. Really irritating for the rest of the cafe patrons. The parents were oblivious, smiling away, like this was acceptable behaviour! Now, it wasn't me being all bitchy and nasty against kids. There were two other families in the cafe at the time and those kids were really great. It really spoiled it for everyone and I left with a twitchy eye from all the noise and chaos LOL.

You know those small, delicate, lady-like sneezes some people do? Yeah. Well. I'm not one of those people. You can hear my sneezes from space. So loud. I can't stop them either, or try and not make a noise (also afraid if I do try and stop them the pressure would be so great the sneeze would somehow make my brain explode). Today I sneezed as I was leaving the dairy across the road and scared a small dog that a guy was walking. Talk about embarrassing.


This song, has been played over and over on my iPod for weeks now. La Roux, "In for the Kill". Love it. Love her hair. And her red lips. I want that exact red shade.

I love the website The Sartorialist and came across this photo. 

I want her shoes. Desperately want them. Even if they'd make me look extra stumpy. I can only dream that if I owned them I'd suddenly be 7 inches taller and 3 dress sizes smaller and as stunning as this woman. 

Tart at 5:52 PM |


At 5:01 AM, Blogger Shoshana said........
Ugh, being a mother of five, I can tell you that my husband and I are with you. I don't like it when other people ruin my time outside. I rarely get to go out. I don't care if they're little or big, if they're obnoxious, I want them out of site and away from me.